JR Sports Stars, is the brain child of England Rugby Legend, and World Cup winner, Jason Robinson OBE.
He is passionate about using physical education, school sport and physical activity (PESSPA) to inspire and motivate young people to “be the best you can be” – a philosophy he applies to his own life.
Upskilling teachers to deliver a high quality physical education curriculum.
Delivering inclusive breakfast, lunchtime and after school clubs.
Coordinating and supporting regular competitive opportunities for all children.
Incorporating a variety of traditional and new sports and activities.
Implementing a range of strategies to bring about whole-school improvement.
JR Sports Stars Schools Sporting Achievement Programme is an exciting initiative aimed at making PESSPA in schools as important as other areas of the curriculum. It is designed to engage young children and to support schools in reviving the curriculum and wider whole school improvement. The purpose is to get children moving again, to help them grow in confidence and to teach them the importance of team work, co-operation and leadership; these attributes help them to develop character, resilience, spiritual , moral and social competencies to name but a few. We strongly believe that the initiative enables improvements that will impact on whole school issues such as attendance and behaviour. The outcomes will significantly impact on the personal development of all children and young people.
The Government, at last, recognises the importance of sport in the development of our children. Ahead of the 2019 School Sport Action Plan, a summit was held at the end of 2018 where Education Secretary, Damian Hinds, asked the country’s largest sporting institutions to advise the Government on how to help children to harness the benefits of sport.
These benefits include greater self-belief, working towards long-term goals and recovering from setbacks, as well as the well-documented benefits to their physical and mental wellbeing.
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